- system
- 1) система || системный2) вычислительная система3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор4) система уравнений5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•
system halted — "система остановлена" (экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- 2-2-4 system- airborne warning and control system- aircraft collision avoidance system- airfield communication system- air-traffic control system- airways environmental radar information system- alignment-and-exposure system- all-weather guidance system- all-weather landing system- alpha system- alpha reinforcement system- alternation-product block-cipher system- analog protection system- antenna-ground system- antishock system- antiskip system- applet file system- application control and management system- application development system- Armstrong frequency-modulation system- ASR system- asymmetric cryptographic system- asynchronous-multiplex system- ATC system- attached processor system- attended system- A-type Dolby system- A-type professional Dolby system- audio system- audio noise-reduction Dolby system- audiovisual system- author system- authoring system- automated design engineering system- automated vision system- automatic coding system- automatic control system- automatic degaussing system- automatic degaussing control system- automatic gain stabilization system- automatic intercept system- automatic noise-reduction system- automatic radio direction-finding system- automatic speech-recognition system- automatic-telephone system- automatic test system- automatic tuning system- automobile navigation system- autonomous system- avionics system- aware system- balance-line system- ballistic-missile early-warning system- band-limited system- bandwidth compression system- BAR system- bare-bones system- base station system- baseband radar system- batch-processing system- Batten system- BCF system- beam-current feedback system- beam-forming system- beam-guidance system- beam-rider control system- beep-only system- beep-plus-voice system- billing system- binary system- binary number system- bit-serial system- bridge duplex system- broadcast television system- B-type Dolby system- B-type simplified Dolby system- building-block CAD system- built-in expert system- bus system- business information system- cable distribution system- CACE system- CAD system- CADIC system- CAE system- call queuing system- calorimeter system- carrier system- carrier-communication system- carrier-telegraph system- case-based expert system- CATV system- CD-4 system- celestial coordinate system- celestial guidance system- cellular radio system- central-battery system- central-control system- central nervous system- centralized automatic trouble-location system- centralized computer system- CF system- CGS system- CGS electromagnetic system- CGS electrostatic system- chaff communication system- Chain Home radar system- chain rdr system- chaotic system- chirp radar system- CH radar system- ciphertext autokey system- Civis system- classifier system- closed bus system- closed-circuit television system- closed-cycle control system- closed-loop control system- closed-loop servo system- cloud and collision warning system- clutter rejection system- CMY system- CMYK system- coarse-fine system- code addressed system- coherent carriers system- coherent spread-spectrum system- collision avoidance system- color management system- COM system- command system- command and control system- command-driven system- command guidance system- command-line operating system- common system- common carrier system- common timing system- communication system- communications and tracking system- communications switching system- community antenna television system- compatible color television system- compatible single-sideband system- compatible stereo system- compatible stereo-quadraphonic record system- complete residue system- complex system- composite guidance system- compound interferometer system- computer system- computer-aided control engineering system- computer-aided engineering system- computer-aided IC design system- computer-aided voice wiring system- computer-based expert system- computer-based photoelectric-counting system- computer-controlled system- computer-controlled electron-beam system- computer output microfilm system- computer process control system- computer vision system- computing system- configurable system- configurable business system- connected-speech recognition system- connectionist system- conservative system- content scrambling system- continuous presence system- continuous-wave tracking system- control system- conversational system- conversational program system- Cook system- cooling system- cooperative system- coordinate system- correlated orientation tracking and range system- correlation tracking system- correlation tracking and triangulation system- cotar system- cotat system- countermeasure system- CPsystem- crossband system- crossbar system- cross-development system- crossed-coincident microphone system- cryptographic system- crystal system- CSR system- C-type Dolby system- cubic crystal system- current awareness system- data system- data-acquisition system- data-banking system- database management system for workgroups- data-collection system- data collection and reduction system- data communication system- data-compression system- data-gathering system- data-handling system- data management system- data-processing system- data reduction system- data-retrieval system- data-transmission system- dc diode sputtering system- dc self-synchronous system- dc triode sputter deposition system- DDC system- decentralized computer system- decimal system- decimal number system- decision support system- dedicated system- deep submicron system- defense message system- descriptor-based protection system- DEW system- df antenna system- diagnostic information system- dial telephone switching system- differential duplex system- Diffie-Hellman system- digital system- digital cellular system- digital data-handling system- digital switching system- digital television system- digital voice communication system- direct-challenge system- direct-dialing telephone system- direct-digital control system- direct-feedback system- direction-finder antenna system- directory assistance system- direct-sequence system- direct-spread system- discrete dynamic system- discrete-parameter system- discrete sound system- discriminating-call system- discriminating-ring system- disperse system- display system- dissipative system- distant early-warning system- distributed system- distributed control system- distributed file system- distributed information processing system- distributed-parameter system- distributed-processing system- distributed software system- document preparation system- document viewing system- Dolby system- Dolby A system- Dolby AC-3 system- Dolby B system- Dolby C system- Dolby Digital system- Dolby Headroom Extension Pro system- Dolby HX Pro system- Dolby Noise Reduction system- Dolby NR system- Dolby S system- Dolby Spectral system- Dolby Surround system- Dolby Surround Pro-Logic system- domestic satellite communication system- Doppler inertial system- dot-sequential system- dot-sequential color-television system- double capstan system- dp system- DS system- dual fail-safe system- duplex system- duplicated system- dynamic system- early-warning system- Earth-satellite-Earth communication system- Edison power distribution system- educational expert system- eight-track cartridge system- electromechanically driven projection system- electron beam deflection system- electron-beam exposure system- electronic countermeasures system- electronic data-processing system- electronic guidance system- electronic identification system- electronic mail system- electronic meeting system- electronic-scanning system- electronic switching system- electronic tracking system- electron-optical system- electrooptic light-modulation system- e-mail system- embedded system- emergent system- end system- enterprise system- entry-level system- EOLM system- equatorial satellite communication system- equatorial-orbit satellite communication system- equilibrium system- equivalent four-wire system- error-correcting reinforcement system- error-correcting telegraph system- error-detecting and feedback system- European communications satellite system- European fixed service satellite system- Eurovision system- evolutionary stable system- executive system- expert system- extraterrestrial reconnaissance system- Fabry-Perot mirror system- facsimile system- fail-safe system- fail-soft system- FAT16 file system- FAT32 file system- FDM system- FEC system- federated system- feed system- feedback-control system- feed-forward system- fiber-optics system- field system- field-sequential system- field-sequential color television system- field skip system- file system- file-control system- file-oriented system- film-based projection system- financial expert system- first generation wireless system- fixed-point system- fixer system- flat file system- floating-point system- forced-air cooling system- forward error control system- forward-loop system- four-channel sound system- four-level system- fractal information system- frame-alignment system- freeway surveillance and control system- frequency-carrier system- frequency-division multiplex system- frequency-hopping system- frequency-reuse satellite system- fuel-cell system- full field system- fuzzy system- fuzzy control system- fuzzy expert system- fuzzy logic expert system- 3Gwireless system- gamma system- gamma reinforcement system- gate-array CAD system- Gauss system- generalized information system- geographical information system- geolocation system- Giorgi system- global system- global system for mobile communication- global positioning system- global time-synchronization system- ground system- ground-control system- ground-controlled approach system- ground instrumentation system- group decision support system- group support system- guidance system- H-system- h-system- Hamiltonian system- hard system- hardware system- Hartree system- heat-seeking system- helium refrigeration system- heterogeneous agent system- heuristic-based expert system- hexagonal crystal system- hierarchical recognition system- highway system- HLS system- holographic recording and readout system- home audio system- homer system- homing system- horn-lens system- host-based system- HSB system- HSV system- hung system- hybrid computer system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- hyperbolic guidance system- hyperbolic navigation system- hyperbolic radar system- hypertext authoring systems- identification system- image-forming system- image information system- image-processing system- independent system- inertial system- inertial control system- inertial instrument system- inertial navigation system- inertial space reference system- infinite-dimensional system- infinitely-fast control system- information system- information and control system- information-feedback system- information management system- information-retrieval system- infrared heat-seeking system- infrared search track system- inquiry and communications system- installable file system- instrument-landing system- insulation system- integrated antenna system- intelligence system- intelligent knowledge-base system- interactive system- interactive application system- interactive design system- interactive graphics system- interactive software system- intercarrier sound system- intercommunication system- interconnection system- interference position monitoring system- intermediate system- intermittent control system- internetwork operating system- inter-organization system- interphone system- interplanetary radar system- interpretating system- interrupt system- Intervision system- intranet-extranet system- intrusion detection system- inverted spin system- ionoscatter system- isolated-word recognition system- isometric crystal system- isotropic system- iterated function system- iterative product-cipher system- Japanese cellular system- J-carrier system- Ksystem- K-carrier system- keyboard-to-disk system- keyboard-to-tape system- knowledge system- knowledge base system- knowledge-based system- Kolmogorov system- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- laminar navigation anticollision system- laminar air navigation anticollision system- land mobile radio system- laser communication system- laser-deflection system- laser tracking system- lasing system- L-carrier system- LCH system- learning control system- left-handed system- left-handed coordinate system- legacy system- lenticular-screen projection system- lightning protective system- lightwave system- Lindenmayer system- linear system- linear-classifier system- linear feedback control system- line-of-sight system- line-sequential system- line-sequential color television system- lithography system- local battery system- long base-line system- longitudinal video recording system- long-range search system- Lorenz instrumental landing system- Lotka-Volterra system- lossless system- lossy system- loudspeaker system- lumped-parameter system- LVR system- MADA system- maglev system- magnetic-levitation system- major-deflection electromagnetic system- malfunction detection system- management information system- man-computer system- man-machine system- man-machine control system- manned control system- manufacturing execution system- many-level system- many-energy-level system- many-particle system- marketing information system- maser communication system- mass-storage system- master/slave computer system- matrix sound system- mature system- mechanical display system- mechanical television system- medical expert system- message-composition system- message handling system- message-rate system- message-switched communication system- meta class system- meta-information system- metallization system- meteor-burst communication system- meteor-scatter-system- metric system- microcomputer system- microcomputer-development system- microelectronic system- microprocessor-based spatial-locating system- microprocessor-controlled system- microprocessor delay system- microprocessor development system- microwave-beam power-transfer system- microwave-hologram recording system- microwave landing system- microwave relay system- middle-side system- military expert system- military information system- MIMO system- minicomputer system- MKS system- MKS rationalized system- mobile telephone system- mode-converting system- model-based expert system- modular system- modular breadboarding system- monitor system- monoclinic crystal system- monopulse tracking system- M-S stereo system- multiagent computer system- multicomputer system- multienergy-level system- multiline digital voice-response system- multimedia authoring systems- multiple-input multiple-output system- multiple-processor system- multiple user system- multiplex system- multiplicative array antenna system- multipole system- multiprocessing system- multiprocessor system- multitarget sputtering system- multitrack recording system- multiuser system- multivariable system- Munsell system- mutual broadcasting system- navigation system- near-eye system- nearest-neighbor classifier system- negative reinforcement system- neomorphic system- NetWare management system- network administration system- network computing system- network control system- network file system- neuro-fuzzy system- noise-reducing antenna system- noise-reduction system- non-attended system- non-equilibrium system- nonlinear system- nonlinear feedback control system- nonredundant system- nonrepairable system- nonstop system- NT file system- number system- numeral system- numerical control system- office information system- off-line system- OLCA system- OLCD system- omnidirectional speaker system- on-demand system- on-line system- on-line circuit-analysis system- on-line circuit-design system- on-line computer system- online fault-tolerant system- on-line processing system- on-off system- on-off telegraph system- open system- open bus system- open-loop system- open-tube system- operation system- operational support system- operator services system- optical communication system- optical data-processing system- optical disk recording system- optical-fiber transmission system- optical-radar system- optical recognition system- p-system- stored-program electronic-switching system- trunk -system- X-window system- y-system- Δ-system
English-Russian electronics dictionary .